Features: - Rank feature: overlapping objects can be cut based on priority. - Overhang detection added for improved surface quality. - Added setting to alternate the contour and infill direction from layer to layer. - Added synonym lookup table for the search bar to match buzzwords in the slicer. - Allowed models to move in Z. - Added setting to modify the coasting time. - Added setting to modify the wiping distance. - Added several new settings to the horizontal modifier window. - Added modifier toggle visibility button. This allows for toggling the visibility of all modifiers in the workspace, to help with object manipulation while having modifiers in the workspace. - New setting: Personal space ­ This value determines the space around an object (on XY axis) where other objects are not allowed to be printed. - Added Support expansion parameter to allow for easier removal of support - Added Tool numbers to change gcode start point Bug fixes: - Fixed the issue where belt workspaces would limit the model scale on Y. - Fixed issue with previewing some G-code paths with pure retraction moves - Fixed issue when closing the app just after it has started up. - Fixed issue with check for unsaved settings showing a red exclamation mark too often. - Fixed issue where some holes in support would be filled with infill. - Fixed several issues with the updater. - Fixed issue with z hop between contours. - Fixed issue with flow for horizontal modifiers. - Fixed problem where automatic restrictions new feature settings were not always applied. - Fixed issue with raft speed limits being too restrictive. - Improved importing of profiles when opening workspace files. - Fixed issue with auto placing models in workspace with non zero workspace min coordinates. - Fixed issue with too many decimal places for some settings. - Fixed issue with paint­on support undo / redo. - Improved search bar controls and layout. - Fixed workspace handling for automatic extraction. - Fixed some issues with un­linked settings with presets with different top and bottom thickness. - Fixed several other stability issues.